Can You Paint a Bathtub a Different Color? (Explained for Beginner)

Are you tired of looking at the same old, dull, white bathtub every day? Do you want to add some color and personality to your bathroom, but don’t have the budget to replace the entire tub? The good news is that you can paint your bathtub!

It’s a simple and affordable way to update the look of your bathroom without having to spend a lot of money. But before you start painting, there are a few things you need to know.

The benefits of painting a bathtub

One of the biggest benefits of painting a bathtub is that it can make an old, dingy tub look brand new. If your bathtub is chipped, scratched, or just plain ugly, a fresh coat of paint can hide those imperfections and give your tub a clean, polished look. Plus, painting your bathtub is much cheaper than buying a new one, so it’s a great option if you’re on a tight budget.

Not only can painting your bathtub improve the appearance of your bathroom, but it can also protect the surface of your tub. A good quality paint will create a barrier against water and other elements, helping to prevent rust and other types of damage. This can help extend the life of your bathtub and save you money in the long run.

Another benefit of painting your bathtub is that it allows you to customize the color and style of your bathroom. If you’re tired of the traditional white or neutral colors, you can choose a bold and vibrant color that reflects your personal style. This can add a fun and unique touch to your bathroom and make it a more enjoyable space to spend time in.

Preparing the bathtub for painting

Before you start painting, you need to make sure your bathtub is ready. This is an important step, as it will help ensure that the paint adheres properly and looks its best.

The first thing you’ll need to do is clean your bathtub thoroughly. This will remove any soap scum, grime, or other buildup that could prevent the paint from adhering properly. Use a mild detergent and a sponge or brush to scrub the surface of the tub, paying special attention to any areas that are particularly dirty or stained.

Once your bathtub is clean, you’ll need to sand the surface to create a smooth, even finish. This will help the paint adhere properly and give you a more professional-looking result. Use medium grit sandpaper and sand the entire surface of the tub, making sure to sand any rough or uneven areas.

After sanding, you’ll want to apply a primer to the surface of the tub. This will help the paint adhere better and create a smooth, even base for the paint to stick to. Use a brush or roller to apply the primer, following the instructions on the label.

Finally, you’ll need to mask off any areas that you don’t want to paint, such as the edges of the tub or the drain. Use painter’s tape and newspaper or plastic sheets to cover these areas, making sure they are securely in place. This will help ensure that you only paint the areas that you want to paint and will help prevent accidents.

Choosing the right paint and tools

Once your bathtub is prepared, it’s time to choose the paint and tools you’ll use. Not all paints are suitable for a bathtub, so it’s important to choose the right one.

Epoxy and acrylic paints are both good options for a bathtub, as they are durable and resistant to moisture. They also come in a variety of colors and finishes, so you can choose the one that best suits your style and preferences.

When it comes to tools, you’ll need to decide whether you want to use a paintbrush, roller, or sprayer. A paintbrush is good for applying paint to small, detailed areas, and can give you more control over the final result. A roller is better for covering larger areas quickly and evenly, and can help you avoid drips and brush marks. A sprayer is the fastest and easiest option, but it can be more difficult to control and may produce a less even finish.

Applying the paint

Once you’ve chosen your paint and tools, it’s time to start painting. Begin by applying a thin, even coat of paint using your chosen tool. Be sure to work in small sections and follow the instructions on the paint label for the best results.

You may need to apply multiple coats of paint, depending on the color and type of paint you’re using. Be sure to let each coat dry completely before applying the next one. This may take several hours or even overnight, so be patient.

When applying the paint, it’s important to avoid drips and runs. Use a brush or roller with a good-quality, high density foam or microfiber cover, and apply the paint in a back-and-forth motion, going with the grain of the tub. This will help prevent drips and give you a smoother, more even finish.

Finishing touches

Once you’ve applied all the paint coats and let them dry, you’ll want to add a clear coat or sealer to protect the paint and make it last longer. This will also give the paint a glossy finish that will make your bathtub look even better.

To apply the clear coat or sealer, follow the instructions on the label. Use a brush or roller to apply a thin, even layer, and let it dry completely before using the bathtub. This may take several hours or even overnight, so be patient.

Once the clear coat or sealer is dry, you can clean up any excess paint or drips that may have occurred during the painting process. Use a damp cloth or sponge to remove any paint residue, and dispose of the cloth or sponge properly.


Painting your bathtub is a simple and affordable way to update the look of your bathroom.

With the right preparation, paint, and tools, you can give your bathtub a fresh, new look that will make your bathroom more enjoyable and attractive. So why not give it a try? Happy painting!