Can Plunging a Toilet Damage the Wax Ring? [Explained!]

When it comes to plunging a toilet, many people do not know how to do it the right way. They go too fast or plunged the wrong way damaging the wax ring. This can cause the toilet to not flush properly and can also cause a mess. So, you should know how to plunge the toilet properly.

In this article, we will go over a few tips on how to plunge the toilet correctly and what effects it can have if not done correctly.

Can Plunging a Toilet Damage the Wax Ring

What is a wax ring?

A wax ring helps to create a watertight seal between the bottom of a toilet and the sewer pipe. The wax ring is sticky and helps to keep the seal in place. If the flange is at least 1/4 inch above the floor level, a wax ring is a good option.

A wax ring is a ring of sticky wax that helps to form a watertight seal between the bottom of the toilet and the sewer pipe. This is a good option if the flange is at least 1/4 inch above the floor level.

A wax ring can cause a toilet not to flush. If a wax ring is broken, a plunger may not be able to break it and it may cause the toilet to become blocked. A toilet wax ring can be unclogged by using a plunger, a product to dissolve wax, or boiling water.

It can take around 1-2 hours to replace a wax seal on a toilet. Wax seals should be replaced every two years. Replacing a wax seal on a toilet can cost around $70.

What Are the Plunging Effects on The Wax Ring?

When a toilet is plunged, the force of the plunger can damage the wax ring around the drain. This can lead to clogs and leaks. To prevent this, it is best to take precautions to preserve the wax ring before plunging.

Wax rings are used to create a seal between the toilet and the floor. If the wax ring is damaged, it can cause leaks. Plunging the toilet can damage the wax ring if it is done incorrectly.

The most important blockage for a wax ring is before the P-trap. It is best to take precautions to preserve the wax ring before plunging. Non-wax seals are a better option because they are less likely to be damaged.

Wax rings can be damaged by plunging if the blockage is before the P-trap. Plunging can also damage the wax ring if the car is not started correctly. It is best to take precautions to preserve the wax ring before plunging.

How can you plunge a toilet without damaging the wax ring?

Choose The Right Plunger

To find the correct plunger for your toilet, you should choose the one that is best for you. There are many kinds of plungers available, so it is important to select the right one. To use the plunger properly, hold it in a vertical position and move it forcefully up and down.

Take Proper Precautions Before You Start Plunging

There are a few things to take into consideration before plunging a toilet. First, make sure to wear gloves to avoid coming into contact with any bacteria or germs.

Second, it’s a good idea to scoop out half of the water in the bowl beforehand with a bucket, to prevent any spills. Finally, place any clothes or materials you might need at the base of the staircase before beginning, just in case.

Following these simple steps will help ensure a smooth and mess-free experience.

Placing Plunger in the Toilet Bowl The Right Way

To reduce the amount of stress while plunging your toilet, it is recommended that you apply petroleum jelly to the rim of the flange. This will help to ensure that the flange is inserted into the drain hole when your plunger is inserted into the bowl.

To plunge the plunger into the toilet bowl, keep it in a vertical position and push and pull it vigorously for 10-20 seconds. If after completing these steps, the plunger does not clear the drain, repeat steps 1-2. Usually, plunging the toilet plunger will clear the blockage within a reasonable amount of time.

Continue With The Plunging

If you’re wondering how to continue plunging a toilet without damaging the wax ring, the answer is simple. All you need to do is rub petroleum jelly on the rim of the flange before you start. This will create a barrier between the plunger and the wax ring, preventing any damage from occurring.

Toilet plunging can be frustrating and gross, but it’s often necessary when the seal around the toilet bowl has been broken. By taking this simple precautionary measure, you can avoid having to replace your wax ring altogether.

Slide Plunge Over the Drain Opening

To plunge a toilet without damaging the wax ring, use the above steps to create suction and then slide the plunger over the opening. Make sure there is enough water in the toilet bowl to submerge the plunger and keep your hands wet to ensure a good seal.

Start with a swift movement to avoid blowing water out of the toilet. Use vigorous plunging to dislodge the clogs.

Alternative Ways to Unclog Without Plunger

There are many ways to unclog a toilet without using a plunger. You can use vinegar and baking soda, dish soap, small pieces of bar soap, or a cloth hanger made of wire. Epsom salts can be used to soften the clog before flushing it down the drain.

You can also use salts or bath bombs that have Epsom salts in them. If the clog hasn’t gone away, repeat the process until it works. To unclog a toilet with a toilet auger, insert it into the toilet until you feel resistance. To unclog a toilet with hot water, turn on the faucet and wait until the water reaches the desired temperature.

If neither of these methods works, try using a toilet snake. Pour hot water into the toilet bowl and wait for 20 minutes before flushing. Add bleach and dish soap to make the process easier, and add warm water to increase effectiveness.

What are some alternative ways of plunging a toilet?

There are a few different ways that you can go about unblocking a toilet, depending on what is causing the blockage. If your toilet is blocked by waste, the best way to remove it is by plunging. To do this, cover the drain hole with the rubber part of the plunger and press firmly.

Then, gently push the plunger up and down until the blockage is removed. If plunging does not work, you may need to use a snake. A snake is a long, flexible piece of metal that can be inserted into the drain hole to reach and remove the blockage.

When using a snake, be careful not to damage the toilet bowl or plumbing. If neither plunging nor snaking works, you may need to call a plumber.

If the standard plunging method does not work to unclog a toilet, there are several alternative methods that may prove successful. One is to use water pressure to dislodge the clog by plunging the plunger into the toilet bowl with enough water to submerge it.

Another is to try plunging quickly and then continue plunging vigorously, avoiding pushing the plunger downwards. With either method, it is important to use plenty of water to create pressure on the clog.


In this blog post, I have outlined that plugging can indeed damage the wax ring if not done right. Many people damage their wax rings during plunging because they do not do it right.

The proper way to plunge a toilet is to make sure the water level is low enough, so the flush does not push the waste down into the water supply and onto the wax ring. If you are still having problems with your toilet, contact us for help. We would be happy to assist you with fixing the issue. Thank you for reading!